Armenian Woman Sending Grandchild to Turkish School Looks to the Future

Some Armenians oppose the Armenian Diaspora builds the identity on Turkish hatred and they try to maintain friendship with Turkey.

Maria Rosa Ayoriyan, an Armenian from Gaziantep registered her grandchild at Herkul College established by Turkish entrepreneurs in Buenos Aires last month.

She sent a touching message to both Armenians and Turks, saying: "What has happened is in the past. We should look ahead and leave the past in the past. It is not possible to separate Turks from Armenians and vice versa. We have lived together with Turks for years. We took brides from Turks and also bestowed our daughters to them. Our cuisine, conventional proprieties and customs are very similar. We speak the same language."

Ayorian says she took her grandchild to the Turkish school despite the disapproval of some Armenians.

She believes a group of people are trying to separate the two nations by force, adding that what happened during a time of war should be forgotten.

In asked why she chose a Turkish school, Ayorian says, "I believe my grandchild will learn good manners and universal values there."

Armenians and Turks are two nations of the same land and culture; only the religion is different.

Her grandfather, Kirkor Nazaryan, was a lawyer in Gaziantep, a southeastern Turkish city, and she still speaks a little Turkish.

A kindergarten and a primary school are currently operating at Herkul College founded by the Turkey-Argentina Friendship Foundation.

The school has 95 students and offers education in both English and Spanish languages.

Mrs. Ayorian is referred to as "Aunt Maria" by school officials. She calls Turks the "men of honor" and says her father and grandfather spoke positively about Turks. (By Selcuk Gultasli, Brussels)