Eurasian Countries to Set up Media Alliance

The decision to set up a joint broadcasting network in Eurasian countries has been taken up during the Dialogue Eurasia Platform's (DEP) seventh meeting in Antalya.

The Platform acknowledged that immense responsibility awaits Eurasian media, and all member countries unanimously supported the notion of establishing a media network to help solve problems more easily.

The DEP's 7th General Assembly Meeting held in Antalya, a Mediterranean Turkish city, ended with a reading of the conclusion report. Press members of the Platform discussed the "Media's role in dialogue" during the four-day (April 7-10) meeting at the Rixos Hotel in Beldibi.

Speakers observed that a biased view point is adopted in the news and emphasized that media organs in the region are under state pressure. The participants said media in Eurasia is dysfunctional and therefore a joint news agency will be established to contribute to the future development of the region.

Following the reading of the conclusion report, Secretary-General Erkam Tufan Aytav asked the DEP for an official structure to be internationally accepted and suggested establishing associations in every country.

Te new structure will give the platform an official identity, Aytav said, and the platform will be accepted by international institutions, especially the United Nations. "If this platform is given a structure that can be accepted in the UN and other international organizations, it will have carried Eurasia's agenda to the world agenda. All this depends on officially becoming a non-government organization."

The organization convenes once a year, he reminded, and urgent decisions must be taken to produce quick and effective developments.

All of Aytav's suggestions were accepted and supported by member countries. The platform's new president, Russian Sciences Academy Oriental Studies Institute Director Rostislav Ribakov, stated very serious topics were handled and important observations about the future were made in the meeting. "This meeting gave us inspiration and drive; maintain these contacts until the next meeting. The platform must realize the principles and decisions taken for it if it is to continue," Ribakov said.

Important decisions taken during the DA meeting:

1- Eurasia Media Alliance will be set up among the countries of the region

2- News will be gathered in a single location and will be serviced by the joint agency.

3- The best project conducted in the media sector will be selected for the "Award in the war against terrorism".

4- The "Anti-phobia Project" will be realized and efforts will be made to eradicate prejudices.

5- A common book of history to be instructed at schools will be prepared by member countries.

6- A joint reporter network will be established.

7- A web site to contribute to the solving of problems in Eurasia will be prepared.

8- Exchange programs will be conducted between journalist groups.

9- Top students graduating from member countries' faculties of communication will be offered training in Turkey for two months.

10- Certain authors' works will be published on the platform's web site. Those member countries in need will profit from these works without paying copyright.

11- Systematic meetings will be held among media organs in an effort to develop dialogue in Eurasia. (By Saban Gunduz, Kenan Bas, Antalya)