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Retired Lieutenant General and Governor of Punjab, Khalid Maqbool, along with a council thanked Zaman Daily for its aid activities following the earthquake in Pakistan.

While Governor Maqbool said that Pakistan was grateful to Turkey for its aid and support following the devastating earthquake, he also spoke highly of the earthquake assistance and educational activities of schools founded by Turkish entrepreneurs.

Visiting Turkey as a guest of the PAK-TURK Schools Foundation, the main sponsor of Turkish schools in Pakistan, the Punjab governor paid a visit to Zaman Daily and met with Chief Editor Abdulhamid Bilici. Maqbool provided information about developments in Pakistan since the earthquake last September, citing the cost of the earthquake to Pakistan as $ 6 billion. He called for the participation of Turkish companies in bids for large scale reconstruction activities in the region. Highlighting the powerful cultural ties between Pakistan and Turkey, the governor emphasized that these ties should continue in economic relations too, and noted that Turkish investors could find important opportunities especially in building and food sector. Speaking about the 14 Turkish schools active in Pakistan that provide education for 3,000 students, Maqbool petitioned Turkish education volunteers to set up more schools in Pakistan. Maqbool will also meet Minister of Education Huseyin Celik before leaving.