The and of a Sweet Dream

When I think about the events that have occurred during the last one-week period, I realize my thoughts for a long time is being clarified. Some nations and peoples are luckier than others. They realize their role in making the future's history in a timely manner and consequently adopt appropriate behavior that is in line with their destinies. Some other nations and peoples, on the other hand, are not nearly as lucky. Despite being presented with great history-making opportunities, either due to their inability to recognize those chances or because they are just hesitant to assume the responsibilities of the mission being offered, they simply pass on the opportunity.

Turkey is a country that falls into the second category. Technically, the new global conjuncture that emerged during the collapse of the Soviet Union presented an opportunity to Turkey on a golden plate, the sorf of chance that comes along perhaps only once very 500 years. Turkey was like a precious jewel in a very large geographical area extending from the Adriatic to China and from Black Sea to the Red sea. It was a country that capable of playing the role of a guide or a leader, a role to be emulated by the newly independent countries that suddenly surfaced in Central Asia. It was also an element of stability during the postwar environment in the Middle East, which entered an era of normalization during the peace process. Turkey could easily have extend its interest to the Balkans and helped to restore the foundations of both Bosnia and Kosovo, which had been damaged during internal clashes, simply by trying to maintain a balance in the region. Turkey could play this leadership role in the region simply because it is the only country that has a broad range of common ties with each and every one of the region's countries, ties based either on ethnicity, religion, language or history.

There is a simple prerequisite for Turkey to benefit from this opportunity: it must revise its clumsy system and transform itself into an example for other countries to emulate. Turkey had the opportunity to enter the 21st century as one of the top five or ten most advanced countries in the world by demonstrating respect for human rights and by becoming a democratic country that believes in the supremacy the rule of law. This was why we were all getting so extremely excited when late President Turgut Özal predicted that "the 21st century will be the century of the Turks," or when he claimed, "Turkey will become one of the top 15 countries in the world during the next 20 years."

But it won't happen now. Rather than reforming its system and shaping itself into an exemplary nation, Turkey preferred to take immerse itself in the nostalgia of the 1930s.

One of the most significant reasons for the failure is that the prominent administrators who assumed power after Özal had feelings of insecurity that could, in fairness, be described as paranoia. Turkey has never accepted the fact that its elements of ethnic diversity are not a source of anxiety, but rather a source of wealth. It has difficulty in establishing a suitable platform upon which its devout Muslims can take part in the state affairs while keeping their religious identity intact. It cannot change the priorities of the economic system in favor of the great masses, a system which currently works to the benefit of a handful of people who are accustomed to making money on investment interests.

In actual fact, the ongoing discussions surrounding Fethullah Gülen and his congregation have a direct relation with Turkey's future.

All the public opinion surveys that are conducted reflect the religious identity of the Turkish people. Those people, however, are in perfect harmony with the republic, democracy, their own history and their historical identity. Those who are interested in politics are not bothered with ethnic differences, nor are they apprehensive about the shadow of religion over politics. They are, however, against fundamentalism. They don't care if the ethnic differences are emphasized a little too often. This is the human factor which has structured the religion and state relations on a sound platform in the West, which represents a bace for overcoming the difficulties encountered in terms of national identity versus ethnic influence.

With this contemporary approach, his harmonious behavior within the system and his moderate statements, Gülen represented the ideal combination for the 21 st century, which is referred to as the century of the Turks. The geographical areas where Turkish flags fly as a result of the efforts of businessmen incited by his ideas can easily be seen just by looking at a map. It was Turkey, which was preparing to become exemplary nation, and nominated as a candidate to be the element of stability in the region, that cleared the path for Gülen and referred to him and to his congregation as the ideal formula for religion-state relations. That was the same Turkey which provided assistance for Gülen to erect numerous educational facilities throughout the world. Those who sympathized with Gülen, those who sympathized with Gülen, those who approved of his accomplishments despite not sharing his views, those who used the services provided by him were those who looked upon him is a ticket that would lead the century to that Turkey. Since the prominent administrators were unable to getrid of their insecurities, they first reviewed the system and then abandoned the dream of becoming a exemplary nation. The cassette is only an excuse. Technically speaking, the mission of Fethullah Gülen ended the minute that "the Big Turkey" dream was abandoned by the prominent administrators. Now efforts are being concentrated on charging are being concentrated on charging the bill to Gülen.

Trying to eliminate Gülen following attempts to close the Virtue Party (FP) is just like dissipating a perfect (FP) is just like dissipating a perfect opportunity that cam only be found opportunity that can only be found once in 500 years. The hopes of establishing religion-state relations on a sound platform, solving the identity problem by bringing happiness for everybody and allowing the economy to work in favor of the masses rather than for the benefit of a handful of landlords are also about to diminish.

Those who focus on the transcription of the cassettes and approach the issue entirely for security purpose are in fact making the mistake of ignoring Turkey's social realities. Rather than becoming a regional power that has solved its problems of become an exemplary nation, those who concentrate on the words on the cassette end up using their preferences in favor of becoming a country of instability dominated by other powers.

The important questions is: I wonder if Gülen was aware of his historic mission?

I am still expecting Gülen to give an in depth evaluation of the situation and subsequently provide a more proper, more convincing and more detailed explanation.


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