Fethullah Gülen deplores recent attacks on Christians in Pakistan

Fethullah Gülen deplores recent attacks on Christians in Pakistan

I am deeply saddened to learn about the bombing of a Christian church in Peshawar, Pakistan, which cost the lives 85 civilians and injured many others. I condemn this attack unequivocally and on this sad occasion reiterate my condemnation of all forms of terrorism regardless of perpetrators or their stated purposes.

Any form of attack, suppression or persecution of minorities is an act that contradicts the tradition of our Prophet upon whom be peace and blessings. Whether it is the senseless killings of innocent Christians in a Pakistan Church, the attacks on Coptic Christians in Egypt or the suppression of minority rights anywhere, Muslims should come out first in condemning these actions.

Every human being is created equal by God. Basic human rights, such as the right to life, to live in peace and to be treated with dignity, are sacred rights given by God. No suffering of Muslims can be used to justify inflicting suffering elsewhere on innocent civilians. In true Islamic thought ends never justify means.

I extend my heartfelt prayers to the injured, the families of the deceased and all of the people of Pakistan.

Fethullah Gülen

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