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The Oppressed Ones in Prison and the Compulsory Migrants

If it was in my hands, I would sow a seed of anguish in each of your hearts. Alongside the pursuits of knowledge, research, understanding the contemporary languages and advancements in technology and science, I wish we implanted anguish in our hearts.
As I have mentioned on many occasions previously, if I could, I would place handfuls of anguish into everyone's hearts on behalf of those who have truly suffered and had their hearts and bodies broken with the plight of the community of Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.
So that everyone could feel the anguish that their persecuted brothers and sisters face, and they squirm in this anguish, they would utter “O Lord of the poor, Lord of the persecuted, O Lord, O Sovereign, O Preserver and Protector Who we confide in!”
By yearning and approaching God in this manner, knocking on his door with these emotions, problems that seem unsolvable, challenges that seem impassable will be overcome.
Doors which may seem like castle gates, unbreachable and large will open wide to hearts that beat with excitement for their Lord.
The faces of pain and suffering of those who are anxious, grieved and abused will vanish, by the grace of God, smiles will flow from those faces.
In this, my faith is absolute!
Our noble Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) says “Praying for someone in their absence is acceptable.”
This term, “In one’s absence” is also used by Bediüzzaman.
A believer praying for another believer in his absence will be accepted, it will be regarded as a favorable prayer in the sight of God.
This is one issue...
Combine this with the words of Sufyan ibn Uyayna that you all know so well.
“Sometimes, because of the words and prayers of the sufferers who groan, God will forgive a whole community!”
Yes, “In prayer, a believer places acceptance in their Lord over worldly causes.”
So have we started with prayer?
I would have loved to place anguish in your hearts if I could.
I cannot do this but if God was to will this, it would occur.
It may be willed that even in your beds you will squirm from left to right in anguish for others.
So, 20, 30, 40, 50 thousand people

In prisons locally. Husbands without wives, wives without husbands, children without their parents, parents childless.
Many more overseas, away from their homes, their parents and families.
As much as they say “O Our Lord, it is in You that we have put our trust, and it is to You that we turn in utmost sincerity and devotion, and to You is the homecoming” (Al-Mumtahina, 60:4), and have “reliance” and “submission” in God, and even delegate their affairs to God, as humans their hearts will suffer, they will face challenges and the cartilage in their noses will sting from sadness.
So to share these feelings with those who are suffering
To feel anguish as though it is your fingers that are behind the bars,
at times they don't even let the prisoners offer their prayers, don’t allow them to make ablutions.
At times, behind those walls, they hurt and beat the most honorable of people.
Most recently, according to what we have heard from their lawyers, a recently released prisoner had scars and scratches and wounds all across their face. They were told to that they had to sign a statement full of lies; they had to say what those in power wanted them to say. They were tortured for not agreeing to this.
Crying for and suffering the anguish of those who are being persecuted is such a powerful supplication that if one was to read the whole of The Imploring Hearts (Al-Qulubu'd-Daria) it would not have the same effect.
To place yourself into the shoes of those in such difficult circumstances, to feel their pain, to let your heart beats follow the rhythm of this anguish, to feel from head to toe this sensation, or to feel as though one has been placed in a vessel full of needles,
this is such a powerful supplication that is one was to read the whole of the The Imploring Hearts, the whole of The Compendium of Litanies; (Majmu'at al-Ahzab), it would not have the effect as this supplication.
To feel the same anguish that they do
To place oneself in the same trials and tribulations that they face
At the same time, to not have hatred towards anyone!
it may make us uncomfortable, but a tyrant will engage in tyranny, the sinner will sin openly, and the hypocrite will continue to engage in hypocrisy.
Do the traditions inform us of our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) ever cursing hypocrite Abdullah ibn Ubay ibn Salul who was as harmful to his cause as Abu Jahl?
I have never heard of it.
There are experts among you!
Instead of cursing, when Abdullah ibn Ubay ibn Salul’s son comes to our noble Prophet and asks him to lead the funeral prayer of his father, our Prophet takes the coat off his back and tells the family to wrap the body in it.
At one time the coat was given to the Prophet as a gift from Ibn Salul, and the blessed Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) returns it to him, as if to say may he be shrouded in an item that is his own.
But as the noble Prophet is walking to the funeral, God (glorified and exalted be He) reveals “And never do the funeral Prayer over any of them who dies, nor stand by his grave” (At-Tawbah, 9:84).
The one who has perished has perished eternally, his eternal life has been destroyed, eternity has become nothing for him
the only time he has lived is in the dark realm of the world
only to meet darkness amplified for eternity in the next
He is headed there.
Do not observe his funeral prayer.
“And never do the funeral Prayer over any of them who dies, nor stand by his grave” (At-Tawbah, 9:84).
do not stand over his grave, nor stand in prayer next to it!
You know how they stand in front of a grave, in Turkish traditions the presiding Imam asks:
O you son of so and so!
Do not forget the pact that you made before you left this earthly realm:
There is no deity but God, He has no partners, and Prophet Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.
The day of judgment is real and unavoidable; there is no doubt in this.
Allah is going to resurrect those in the grave.
Remember this pledge and say:
“I am pleased with God as Lord, Islam as a religion, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) as a Prophet, the Ka’ba as a qiblah, the Qur’an as a guide and Muslims as brothers and sisters.
My Lord, God is the One that has no partners, He is the Lord of the great Throne.”
This is a part of Turkish tradition,
it doesn’t appear in the Qur’an or the Sunnah, but it isn’t a bad tradition.
To remind those present at the funeral of their obligations, to have faith in the afterlife, to believe in Munkar and Nakir (the angels who test the faith of the dead in their graves), to believe that they will visit and ask “Who is your Lord?”
Who is your Prophet?
What is your religion?” will be a practical lesson. It is an eye opening exercise for those present, it reminds one “This is where you are going to end up!”
The angels are going to ask all of the escapades in your life, “What have you done here?”
“What have you done here?” is the warning.
“Proclaiming La ilaha illallah, Muhammadu’r-Rasulullah” is a key that will open all doors.
It is a possibility that by virtue of this proclamation, we carry the hope that we may all be pardoned on the Day of Judgment.
Yes, the main point is to plant anguish in our hearts like a seed planted into the soil, then to nourish that anguish like a plant growing exponentially, for it to expand and take hold, and to shape one’s life in this manner, in sorrow
Whenever he is reminded of prisons, it is as if he is hearing the groaning of his brothers, friends, followers and sympathizers.
They have accepted their lot in this issue, with a deep sense of surrender, belief and trust in God; but this is the other perspective to the issue.
May God turn our vision towards Him!
When our sight is open to Him, there will be nothing unseen; the truth will become foundational; lies and falsehood will creep away, scurry away to back to their holes.
The most marketable things in our time (lies) are like bats. When there is light they scatter away, in darkness they dwell and grow bold.
Oh, I wish humanity could realize the beauty prepared for them when they immigrate, the benefit they will get in the Hereafter, even if the migration is not by choice.
Almighty God states that:
“Those who emigrate (to another land) for God's cause after they have been oppressed on account of their faith, We will surely give them goodly residence in the world,
and their reward in the Hereafter is certainly greater.
If only they (all people) knew (how great that reward is)!” (An-Nahl, 16:41).
Based on my narrow perception, the transliteration is:
“They are...” it says, (that is indeclinable relative pronoun).
Yes, “those select people...” “Hajaru,” “emigrate”—a verb, as this refers to a renewal.
They deepened their migration with another migration without hesitation. They migrated after another migration; migrating again and again...
migrated after migration for the sake of God.
“Fi” (preposition) is an adverb here.
They deepened their point in a way that they didn’t say “Billah, lillah, Ilallah” they said “fillahi”, that is they released themselves into migration and said “What a beautiful thing this immigration is!
“We migrate for the sake of God” they said.
Yes, from the perspective of linguistics, each letter of Qur’anic words have a deeper meaning, in my humble opinion.
They migrated, “After being exposed to many persecutions

They are the oppressed ones;
They have faced tyranny, yet; It doesn’t mention the persecutors in this verse.
Yes, a person can also perceive a meaning as such:
“Do not dirty your minds by remembering those persecutors; it is not worth dirtying your neurons for the sake of remembering them.
Later you will struggle to cleanse them.”
For that reason, He does not state here who the persecutors were.
For example, He doesn’t say, “After politicians, wrongdoers, tyrants, tricksters, traitors and those who have focused on creating problems have caused their persecution

The expression is put forward with a passive verb. Therefore, the oppressor is not mentioned clearly.
Thus, do not dirty your minds, do not disrupt your thoughts by mentioning those dirty people!
Obsessing over superstitions will distort the clear minds, will block your concentration from the truth. You will be attached to the desire of saying “Shall I say this or that to him?”
However you have already fallen in love with the Beautiful, you have given yourself to your lofty objectives, obsessing over the things which will separate you from Him will be disrespectful to yourself and to Him.
God says here with “lam” of emphasis:
He takes an oath here.
In other words it is like he is saying “Wallahi, billahi, tallahi.”
“I will prepare it for them”
“Goodness in this world”
If not today, tomorrow.
He does not postpone it to the future. “We prepare it” it says. It doesn’t say “We will prepare it in the future. It doesn’t even refer to the far future.
“In this world, insha’Allah, I will prepare it in the closest possible time” He says.
The nunation of the word Hasanah is nunation with indefinition, meaning “In a very surprising manner.”
A hadith mentions a Divine favor that “Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, greater than what any human can envision.”
In a manner that none of you would be able to imagine, all of a sudden you are going to come face to face with such a surprise that will make your heads spin!
It will make you forget all of the dishonor, persecution and injustice that you have faced.
Later when you are asked about it you will say “Did such things actually happen?”
When you recall the events, you will describe them like an anecdote or a joke.
The things that these people are doing are like jokes or tales aren’t they?
When these events are written and remembered in the future, those involved in the persecution are going to bent double in shame, they will not be able to look you in the eye, you are going to wish to smile, but because of your decency and desire not to embarrass anybody further, you will swallow that smile.
This is your character, and that is theirs,
“Everyone acts according to his own character” (Al-Isra, 17:84).
This is then followed with “We will surely give them goodly residence in the world; if only they knew”
once again there is a “lam” of emphasis, “but their reward in the Hereafter is certainly greater.”
The word Akbar is used here in comparative form. It means “greater than the greatest.”
The reward of the Hereafter is greater, the greatest!
Thousands of years of blissful life in this world is not worth a moment in Paradise.
This is what you are going to receive.
And thousands of years of bliss in Paradise, in nothing next to a moment in the presence of the vision of Divine Beauty. It is this that the Lord is preparing for you,
“If only they could know.”
So if you know
The Qur’an informs us.
The Prophet of Splendor also informs us.
Events also point to this.
A thousand witnesses also swear by it.
So please, I implore you, please know it as well!
“Then, indeed your Lord is with those who emigrated after they had been compelled [to renounce their religion] and thereafter fought [for the cause of God] and were patient”
Another verse says:
“Yet surely your Lord turns with favor to those who emigrate after they have been subjected to persecutions (because of their faith) and, thereafter, exert themselves in God's cause, and endure with patience (whatever befalls them)—indeed, in return for such (good deeds), your Lord is All-Forgiving, All-Compassionate” (An-Nahl, 16:110).
Yes, so after “Yet surely your Lord,” we see where another indeclinable relative pronoun appears.
In this sense the phrase alludes to those who have emigrated! And once again as mentioned earlier, the verb promotes migration followed by a migration. It promotes renewal, a migration, followed by another, and another and so on.
“Migration, after migration.”
They are in the prosperous circle of migration.
Migration after migration after migration...
As if they look at you and say:
“Isn’t there any other place we can go?”
Let’s go there!
Let us take with us the things that we have absorbed with the Qur’an and Sunnah, and embody them through our actions and demeanor!
Let us exemplify the beauty of the customs and pastimes of our culture by displaying them to others.
As humans, there is much good in others; let us benefit from them as well.
Let us a make an ointment of “good” that through our actions are painted onto our lives.
Through this we can become monuments to “good.” The immigrants say this and continue from migration to migration.
This verse says “those who leave their homes after trials and mischief.” In the previous verse it was “after persecution.”
But the verb once again is in the passive form, past tense and plural form.
It does not make mention of those who make mischief, in this case you also do not make mention of the persecutors, leave them with their mischief and dissension.
The strife that they will face will begin in the grave and continue in the afterlife.
For you to say anything to them, in comparison to what they are going to face is not even a drop in an ocean, an atom compared to the sun.
The word “fitna” (sedition) is used here,
compared to “zulimu” which was used earlier. The earlier verse was about persecution, this is about mischief and disorder, facing trials based on this.
Those who under the premise of “confessions” are actually slandering their innocent brothers and sisters, are doing nothing more than tainting and blackening their own lives in this world and the Hereafter.
Whenever there is an examination, some will fail.
Placed in front of them will be a written text, they will be to “Sign your name at the bottom of these things we have written.”
“This person and that person were involved!”
“We were going to stage a coup, we were going to overthrow someone, and we were going to destroy someone!”
“We were looking for ways to do this,’’ etc.
“Sign here!” they say.
“I won’t!”
“You will!”
I won’t!
Slaps and kicks...
Some cannot overcome this test, their immune system can only handle so much, they will sign the document and they will sadly fail that exam.
Others, they will beat, beat until they are practically dead, there are those that they have killed as well, those who have died in captivity.
There are those, who besides dying, if they were to pull out their teeth one at a time, their reply would be “I don’t know anything.”
I know nothing about what you say!
Like Bilal al-Habashi
While rocks were being placed on his body, the Sun was roasting his brain, as they hurt him, he (may God be pleased with him) only said “One! One!”
“There is only one God!” “There is only one God!”
When does he say this?
He says this when only a handful of verses of the Qur’an have been revealed, and when evidence of Prophet’s (peace and blessings be upon him) comprehensive power and scope as a Messenger of great stature has not yet been fully established and made apparent.
Making due with revelation, and being so inspired by revelation, Yasir says the same; Sumayya, repeats the same words. Ammar repeats the same.
Finally Ammar ibn Yasir leaks a word (says what they want him to say).
His father is killed in front of him; his mother is also butchered in front of his eyes.
When they threaten him in the same manner, he hesitates with what he is saying.
But when his shackles are removed. (He was shackled like Prometheus was). He runs to the presence of the Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) and says “I am destroyed O Messenger,
I said what the oppressors told me to say!”
The noble Prophet replies “If you face the same treatment again, say what it is they want you to say.”
The Pride of Humankind sets out the manner of ease due in the presence of difficulties.
Yes, the noble Prophet of ease and facilitation
“Make it easy not difficult, give glad tidings and not repulse others” says the Perfect Guide, setting the concession in the presence of difficulties.
But the other companions had resolute belief and actions, and chose to continue mumble “Ahad, Samad, Hay, Qayyum” while being persecuted under the hot sun, while strung up on a crucifix, or while boulders crushed them on the hot sand.
Now, “after they had been put to trials”, some people’s strength and immune system is only so strong, they cannot handle the persecution and jump ship.
They sign their names on the dotted lines of a statement that tarnishes the name of their innocent friends, and thus blacken their own world and taint their Hereafter.
All of us are going through trials, some behind bars, some in hiding, some on the road of migration and some with a burden of responsibility on their conscience while being trialed through their own comfort.
Yes after they faced the trial they then had to strive to cope. They faced the trials and persecutions, and prepared for the trials they will face.
Some of them hide; some remain behind closed doors with the fear that their homes will be raided at any time, their bodies and minds writhing with this stress.
When will the SS troopers come? When will they ring our bell?
Just as others waited for the edicts and soldiers of Hitler, some wait for today’s SS troopers.
“We have come to intern you!”
“What is the charge?”
“Well, we are not sure of your crime...
...but we were told to do whatever you must be round them up.”
They take them to the prosecutor.
“Your honor, what is my crime?” they will ask. “I am not too sure” he will reply.
I was told to make something up and arrest them.
For instance, say:
They planned to destroy the world, smash the fault lines and cause an earthquake!
Say they were going to use the jinn to make a few meteors fall onto our palaces.
Someone actually made similar claims to these!
There were those who said these types of things to look pleasant and gracious, but in the end it did them no avail.
Some remained where they migrated; they remained to continue the struggle.
“Those (on the other hand) who strive hard for Our sake, We will most certainly guide them to Our ways (that We have established to lead them to salvation). Most assuredly, God is with those devoted to doing good, aware that God is seeing them” (Al-Ankabut, 29:69).
This is another verse, the last verse in the Chapter Al-Ankabut: “And those who deepened their struggle and strive for Our sake, most assuredly, we will guide them to Our successful ways.”
The successful paths we will lead them to!
The kinds of paths that we will lead them to, will be a surprise for them; they will walk just like the way our noble Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) walked past the polytheists, whilst reading the verse, “And We have set a barrier before them and a barrier behind them, and (thus) We have covered them (from all sides), so that they cannot see” (Ya-Sin, 36:9).
Just at that moment, as he (peace and blessings be upon him) was just about to leave, according to tradition, the enemies began to feel sleepy and lose themselves.
Our noble Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) recites “And We have set a barrier before them and a barrier behind them, and (thus) We have covered them (from all sides), so that they cannot see” and leaves Mecca.
He follows a path and reaches the ‘Dominion of Sawr.”
With his willpower
He (peace and blessings be upon him) does justice to his willpower.
He repeats what God says, follows the path God shows him, and enters the place where the All-Mighty says “Enter!”
It is not a cave (Cave of Sawr), instead “Dominion of Sawr;” a sultanate you would not be able to trade for palaces.
It accommodated the noble Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) for a number of hours/days.
Using the soil of that place as eye liner is appropriate.
As it is said, “the dirt and dust of Medina is like eye liner to the pure,”
Yes, the soil of the Sultanate of Sawr is like eye liner for this humble man.
The Dominion of Sawr
they went there.
It is as if God says, with the flow of events,
“you did justice to your willpower under the conditions,
now look at how I will turn those bandits down.”
Suddenly a spider appears.
At that moment, the spider says, “this is my duty” and builds such a web, that makes it impossible to see through.
Then two pigeons appear, and place themselves on either side of the entrance to the cave.
When the polytheists arrive at the entrance,
professional trackers, just like the SS’s of today they will find you wherever you are.
They have followed the trail all the way to the entrance, but with the providence of God. They look at the entrance and say,
“My God, this web looks like it has been here for years.
Also, if there was anyone inside, there would be no pigeons at the entrance.
This means he must be somewhere else.”
God protects His Messenger there as well.
Yes, God says “I will put such paths and ways in front of them;
it will be as if they are walking on a clear path even if they were walking through an alley, they will neither face traffic jam, nor authorities, not even the SS troopers.
Even if the tyrants may have blocked one of your springs, together with active patience and effort, God will favor the Hizmet volunteers with waterfalls.
Coming back to the other verse: “And then they put in the effort.”
At that moment, they may be subject to certain difficulties but they grit their teeth and display patience.
In your terminology, patience refers to “active patience”; actively displaying patience, not idleness.
When you become idle, as the laws of physics dictate, you will be scattered to the left and right. You must be in a constant state of motion to avoid being dispersed.
Active patience
Yes, these are calamities and tribulations. They have come onto us as wicked people. With teeth bared and saliva dripping,
Very well, what can we do from where we stand?
What is our next step?
Yesterday, when the paths were clear and open and when there was kind reception from everyone, it is true, we were walking comfortably on this path.
Wherever we went, we were, in a sense, establishing “organizations of pure light”, we were lighting candles and awakening the universe.
But now, some traitors are trying to blow out those candles.
So what can we do now?
We must turn to collective consultation and say, “under these circumstances and conjuncture this is what needs to be done.”
If you are productive or successful, you will say “it’s working” and it will immediately turn into a clear path.
“We can also do this and this!”
Just as you are trying to make your voices be heard from the caverns of Cappadocia using different techniques, they are blocking these attempts and as a result of deep and strenuous thinking you are able to come up with alternative paths and say,
“this method can be used!” to reach out to new people.
In the past, you were only able to reach 40%, 50% or 60% of the people.
This is always how it all began.
When Sizinti magazine was established only 3 or 4 thousand copies were initially printed.
15-20 years later this number reached 800,000.
It is probably the first magazine in the world to reach that success in its given category.
Then we must say,
“since it only began with 3-4 thousand, the droplets become a lake, then it will became an ocean, and drops will continue to trickle, the ocean will evaporate, turn into a cloud and rain back into the heart of the ocean!
Therefore, since it is going towards a waterfall, we must now say let us establish a waterfall (Caglayan magazine) and sow the seeds of our thoughts and emotions on its pages.
They only stopped a tiny droplet (Sizinti magazine) but now when they face a waterfall, they will swallow their long tongues in fear.
Yes, we came from the command of “and patience” to “active patience.”
Followed by, “Yet surely your Lord turns with favor to those who emigrate after they have been subjected to persecutions (because of their faith) and, thereafter, exert themselves in God's cause, and endure with patience (whatever befalls them)—indeed, in return for such (good deeds), your Lord is All-Forgiving, All-Compassionate” (An-Nahl, 16:110).
There is an important point mentioned here:
In a sense, some may act crookedly, and fall into the pit of slackness.
But they too should not lose hope of God’s mercy!
After all of this, they should not forget again with the “lam” of emphasis, “God is the best at pardoning and He is All-Merciful.”
Mercy mainly refers to the Hereafter, we say “The All-Merciful for the whole creation in this world and The All-Compassionate for the believers in the Hereafter.”
But both have aspects that relate to this world and the next.
The meanings of the verses are reminding us of the things we need to always be aware of.
From this perspective, the meanings of the verses left nothing else for me to say.
Yes, I want to entrust what I wanted to say to the holy verses, the words of God.

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