
Prof. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat (Indonesia) - Problems of Religious Education

Prof. Dr. Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri (Indonesia) - Leadership In The Vigorous And Interconnected World

Prof. Dr. Amin Abdullah (Indonesia) - Fethullah Gülen and Character Education in Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Azmuddin Ibrahim (Malaysia) - Positive Representations: A Case Study of Gülen Movement Education Efforts in South-East Asia

Prof. Dr. Greg Barton ( Australia) - Where does Fethullah Gülen's Thinking Fit into Indonesian Islamic Thought?

Prof. Dr. Rostislav Rybakov (Russia) - The Teacher

Prof. Dr. Ismail Albayrak (Australia) - Main Characteristics of the Gülen Movement and The Importance of Education in Globalising World

Prof. Dr. Maniruzzaman (Bangladesh) - Fethullah Gülen`s Vision of Education

Prof. Dr. Julkipli Wadi (The Philippines) - Fethullah Gülen's Way: Religion, Science and University in Modern Society

Prof. Dr. Yoshiaki Sasaki (Japan) - Personal Impressions about Gülen and His Philosophy

Prof. Dr. Mitsuo Nakamura (Japan) - Rationality and Enlightenment: A Comparison of Educational Strategies between Gülen and Muhammadiyah Movements

Prof. Dr. HisakoNakamura (Japan) - An Observation of Gülen-Inspired Informal Education among Newly Converted Japanese Muslims

Prof. Dr. Choi Woo Won (Korea) - Transformation of Philosophy and New Education for the Global Age

Prof. Dr. Leonid R. Sykiainen (Russia) - Purposes of Education in the Light of Fethullah Gülen's Teachings

Prof. Dr. Adama Diop (Senegal) - Fethullah Gülen's Idea on the Relationship between Science and Religion

Dr. Thomas Michel (USA) - The Thinking behind the Gülen-Inspired Schools

Dr. Zeki Saritoprak (USA) - How Do Gülen’s Educational Efforts Contribute to Global Peace

Dr. Noor Aisha (Singapore) - The educational philosophy of Fethullah Gülen and its relevance to the Muslim community of Singapore

Dr. Muhammet Cetin (USA) - The Contribution of Islamic Scholarship to Democracy

Dr. Margaret A. Johnson (USA) - Glocalization of the Gülen Education Model: An Analysis of the Gülen-Inspired Schools in Indonesia

Dr. Suchart Setthamalinee (Thailand) - The Role of Education in Raising New Generations

Dr. Salih Yucel (Australia) - The Spiritual Role Model in Fethullah Gülen’s Educational Philosophy

Dr. Akutsu Masayuki (Japan) - Promotion of Education and Social Revitalization : From Sociological Analysis of Islamic Education in Pre-Modern Islamic World

Dr. Qamar Agha (India) - Fethullah Gülen’s Ideas on the Relationship between Science and Religion

Dr. Ali Unsal (Indonesia) - Gülen’s Perspective on Education: Foundation of His Ideas and Actions

Mahsheed Ansari (Australia) The concept of mana-i ism (meaning by name) and mana-i harf (meaning by letter) as a comprehensive theoretical tool for educational philosophy and method and the importance and impact of the Risale i Nur in Fethullah Gülen’s educational outlook

Cemen Polat (Australia) - Seaching for the Source of the Mill Stream

Ahmet Orhan Polat (Australia) - The Key Factors Behind the Success of Gülen-Inspired Schools

Mohamed Nawab Mohamed Osman (Singapore) - Gülen’s Educational Philosophy: Striving for the Golden Generation of Muslims

David Tittensor (Australia) - An Alternative Pilgrimage: Teachers Doing Hizmet Abroad

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