Huntington's Theory of "The Clash of Civilizations" and Gülen Movement

How do you get by?

Many times I have prayed: "O God, do not grant me or my brothers and sisters wealth in this world," and my Lord has accepted my prayers. Of course we were not born in the wilderness; there were things that God had granted us. My brothers ran a printing house which they inherited from my father; this lasted for nearly 55-60 years, but now they work somewhere else as workers. There is an Arabic saying that describes their (financial) situation; "like the tail of a camel, it is neither elongated, nor shortened." I am not worried about this at all; I thank God. I tell them "Live like this with your children, and die like this. This condition of yours means the good reputation of our service (for God)."

Why do you need such a prayer?

As a grace from God, people trust us. When we motivate them to give to charity, they give as a result of their trust. Had there been a little leakage, had some place been given a little more than was needed, their trust would have been shaken.

Look, I feel obliged to reveal these things for those are very inquisitive about this subject. Otherwise, I wouldn't tell you these things: I did not have a bed until I was 55. I would pull a blanket over myself, and sleep on a rush mat. I spent my life so meagerly, but I cannot do so anymore because of neuropathy. I am only able to lie on my right side. When I lie on my back or on my left side I feel a pressure on my heart. When this started to happen, my friends bought me a bed.

Another thing people are curious about, how can a person who leads such a poor life get by in such an expensive country as the USA?

Making an exception of you, I would like to tell those who cannot tolerate such things, as people asking about this subject have different intentions. I have never asked such questions about any of the people who make such claims about me. A single man like me, who suffers from diabetes, who takes 1,200 calories a day, who cannot eat heavy food, who mostly meets his nutrition needs with yoghurt and soup, can get by on 500 dollars (a month) in the USA. I find the attitude of those who want to defame me by casting such doubts very unbecoming and improper.

I did not want to say these things, because I wish I had had the means so that I would not have to be paid in return for the copyrights of those books. My friends send it to me to help me live here; I unwillingly accept it and only use it for obligatory expenditures. Otherwise, I would not be able to live here; no one has any right to say anything about me for being paid for the copyrights (of my books).

It has been asked, so I will say it openly here: my friends –since I have some ailments– keep a certain amount in a bank, just in case, and they send me 30,000 every year. As I said before, I meet my obligatory needs, and I donate the rest to the education services, as I have recommended people to do. As for the copyright money collected, but not sent to me, I tell them to donate it to some certain places and to those in need for the sake of God. I do not want to leave anything behind, not even a few cents, before I depart this world and be taken to the presence of God.

Do you think there is any possibility for Huntington's theory of "the clash of civilizations" to come true?

In fact, the ideas which constitute the basis of Huntington's theory had been expressed by others as well, but when it was re-suggested in a different fashion according to the understanding and perception of our time, I said, "If they are making such a broad-sweeping statement at the beginning, some are probably trying to prepare ground for making civilizations, cultures, and members of different religions come into conflict with one another."

Of course, it was the first thing that came to my mind. Maybe they will not be able to do it, but if we don't consider that these could happen, that there are those who want to make it happen, and thereby form white islands on the Earth which we can call "islands of peace," then humanity will one day drown among the crashing events, like giant waves crashing in the ocean.

What is there on the horizon of this movement?

Everybody is anxious about a world conflict to some extent. When the subject is seen from the point of view of sociologists and psycho-sociologists, the picture is not bright. There are those who constantly open old wounds, those who want to make people confront one another. If the members of different religions and beliefs keep viewing each other with the same considerations, we cannot say for certain, but it looks possible for such a clash to happen. As human beings, we should try to find a solution to this problem.

We need to find solutions that will bury the causes of the fight in the ground as deep as possible, to pile up stones on them as much as possible, making it impossible for them to arise again; we need to emphasize the perspectives that favor peace and rest, solutions to pave the way for agreement and consensus.

What is the picture like from a religious point of view?

In the books of the hadith (traditions of the Prophet), there are narrations under the topic "kutub al-fitan." Reports of the events that will occur until doomsday are found under these topics. With this kind of news, God's Messenger guided the people of those times first, and then guided us.

For instance, he foretold the conquest of Istanbul; he foretold the finding of oil in Taleqan. As he foretold these, he also warned us of some horrible evil events that would happen. For example, he talked about a great antichrist who would appear from within Christianity. He indicated this person with the name "Masih al-Dajjal," one who will not believe in God and devastate systems, as well as what would be caused through its evil.

Some regarded those who appeared from among the Muslims and misguided people to esotericism and Batinism (a branch of esotericism) as being within the concept of Dajjal. At the same time, some regarded Dajjal to represent communism, since there are implications that Dajjal will appear from the north. Most of what was foretold has already come true, and the rest seems likely to come true as well. In a way, the end to which the world is heading does not look very nice.

Don't you think those who believe in what the Prophet foretold will become hopeless?

These things have been foretold to Muslims so that they can take up precautions, not so that they become hopeless and wait for the troubles that the world is to be infested with. The message here tells believers to fulfill their duty as representatives of security, trust, and peace.

Again, for example, God's Messenger stated: "Tabariya Lake will dry up, and the following generations will say 'there used to be water.'" Here, God's Messenger stated something through a metaphor, when experts of balaghat (the art of speech and eloquence) correctly evaluate his statements they discover what he was talking about. When people who received education in theology consider these events, they are more worried, for they also consider the data that exists in the religious sources, as well as looking at it from a sociologist's point of view. That is why they regard stopping sedition and making mischief between people a duty, like building a breakwater against destructive waves.

Do you think the efforts of the movement will suffice to break those waves?

As Anatolian people, this is the best that our power, opportunities, and comprehension allows. Maybe there are people with broader views and they can make greater plans; if there are such people, and if they are able to do greater things, let them come forward and do it. This is the best that the people of Anatolia can come up with; this nation is doing the best that we can and I appreciate what they are doing.

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