
My father wanted me to leave Erzurum. With my mother's consent, I was sent to Edirne, where our relative Huseyin Top Hodja would look out for me. I was eating and sleeping very little. I became so ascetic that I had to be hospitalized for 15 days. Despite my solitary lifestyle, I had good relations with prominent people in Edirne. In fact, the head of the army recruiting office , a colonel from the Black Sea, once told me: "We're fellow countrymen. You can't be from Erzurum." I had a close friendship with Resul Bey, the Chief of Police. I also struck up friendship with patrons of the city's coffeshops.

I developed my habits here. I liked this region so much that sometimes I would get upset with the Bosphorus for separating Thrace, especially Edirne, from Anatolia. I invested my money in books that I considered beneficial, and would give books and magazines to others as gifts. For this reason, I often had financial problems. I do not give the appearance of being a person who likes to talk and meet with others. However, I have always been very open, and wherever I go I have made and kept good relations with my friends. Also, sitting a lot in the presence of older people and gaining the right to talk with them helped me to feel comfortable when talking with others. However, I was always careful not to overstep the boundaries of good manners.

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