Fethullah Gülen in Short
Extensive knowledge and teaching experience in Islamic scholarship. Proficient author with more than sixty books translated into many world languages. Recognized as the world's top public intellectual in Foreign Policy / Prospect poll in 2008. Years of service as an imam, preacher, and civil society activist with acclaimed competence as a speaker on Islam, education, and dialogue in Turkey.
Classical education in Islamic scholarship at various divinity schools (Kurşunlu, Kemhan, Taşmescid) under a number of Turkey's renowned Sufi scholars and masters, such as Ramiz Gülen, Muhammed Lütfi, Haci Sitki, Sadi Efendi, and Osman Bektaş (1951–1956)
Compulsory elementary education (1946–1949)
Home schooling along with memorization of the whole Qur'an and mastering recitation skills (before 1946)
Imam / Preacher
- Voluntary Imam / Preacher, Erzurum, Amasya, Tokat, Sivas (1955–1958)
- Deputy Imam, Üçşerefeli Mosque, Edirne (1959–1961)
- Imam / Lecturer, Iskenderun, while serving compulsory military service (1961–1963)
- Member of the Public Hall, Erzurum (1963). Convened conferences and lectured on Rumi
- Qur'an Teacher / Imam, Dar'ul Hadis Mosque, Edirne (1964)
- Senior Preacher (Merkez Vaizi), Kirklareli (1965)
- Senior Preacher, Izmir (1966–1971)
- Director / Teacher, Kestanepazari Boarding Qur'anic School (1966–1971)
- Senior Preacher, Edremit (1972–1974)
- Senior Preacher, Manisa (1974–1976)
- Senior Preacher, Izmir, Bornova (1976–1980)
- Voluntary Preacher, Istanbul, Izmir, and throughout Turkey (post-retirement service) (1986–1989)
- Delivered a series of talks in Turkey and Europe (1975–1977)
- Talks on social, cultural, and religious matters recorded and broadcast every week on www.herkul.org (2003– present)
Honorary President / Civil Society Leader
- Founder member of the Journalists and Writers Foundation (1994)
- Participated in interfaith gatherings and promoted dialogue through a number of events organized by this foundation. (1994–1998)
- Honorary president of Rumi Forum, Washington D.C. (1999–present)
- "Contribution to Harmony between Societies and Peace Award" from Kyrgyzstan Spirituality Foundation (2007)
- Awards from the Turk 2000 Foundation, the Türk Ocaklari Vakfi, the Silk Road Foundation, for his contributions to education, culture and peace (1998)
- Award from TURKSAV for his promotion of education in Central Asia (1997)
- Special November 24 Award from Türk Eğitim-Sen (1997)
- Awards from Mehmetçik Foundation (society to support soldiers fallen or injured while fighting terrorism) and the Police Department for substantial donations and from the TUSIAV Foundation for contribution to civil society, peace and education (1996)
- Nihal Atsiz Service to the Turkish World (Türk Dünyasi Hizmet Ödülü) award from the Türk Ocaklari Vakfi for his encouragement of and contribution to education in Turkey, Central Asia and the Balkans (1995)
- "The World's Top 20 Public Intellectuals" award by the magazines Foreign Policy and Prospect (2008)
- EastWest Institute's (EWI) 2011 EWI Peace Building Award for his contribution to world peace (2012)
- Manhae Grand Prize in peace category by The Society for the Promotion and Practice of Manhae's Thoughts (Manhae Foundation) in 2013
- Time magazine's 100 most influential people in the world leaders list (2013)
- Gandhi King Ikeda Peace Award by Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel at Morehouse College in Atlanta (April 2015)
Essays for periodicals
- Lead article for every issue of Sizinti monthly magazine since its first publication in 1979 (2009 circulation 700,000)
- Contributor to Yeni Ümit, a quarterly magazine for religious studies (since 1988), and Yağmur, a literary magazine (since 1998)
- Contributor to Zaman daily newspaper with a weekly page compiled from his published works and commentaries.
Books (in Turkish – in order of first print)
- Çağ ve Nesil, 1982
- Asrin Getirdiği Tereddütler-1, 1983
- Renkler Kuşağinda Hakikat Tomurcuklari 1, 1985
- Buhranlar Anaforunda İnsan, 1986
- Ölüm Ötesi Hayat, 1987
- Yitirilmiş Cennete Doğru, 1988
- Dua Mecmuasi, 1988
- Asrin Getirdiği Tereddütler-2, 1989
- Hüzmeler ve İktibaslar, 1990
- Asrin Getirdiği Tereddütler-3, 1990
- Zamanin Altin Dilimi, 1991
- İnancin Gölgesinde 1, 1991
- Renkler Kuşağinda Hakikat Tomurcuklari 2, 1991
- İnancin Gölgesinde 2, 1992
- Asrin Getirdiği Tereddütler-4, 1992
- Günler Bahari Soluklarken, 1993
- Sonsuz Nur 1, 1993
- Sonsuz Nur 2, 1994
- Sonsuz Nur 3, 1994
- Kalbin Zümrüt Tepeleri 1, 1994
- Prizma 1, 1995
- Fasildan Fasila 1, 1995
- Fasildan Fasila 2, 1995
- Kitap ve Sünnet Perspektifinde Kader, 1995
- İla-yi Kelimetullah veya Cihad, 1996
- Yeşeren Düşünceler, 1996
- Fasildan Fasila 3, 1996
- Prizma 2, 1997
- Fatiha Üzerine Mülahazalar, 1998
- Ruhumuzun Heykelini Dikerken, 1998
- İrşad Ekseni, 1998
- Varliğin Metafizik Boyutu 1, 1998
- Varliğin Metafizik Boyutu 2, 1998
- Prizma 3, 1999
- Kirik Mizrap, 2000
- Işiğin Göründüğü Ufuk, 2000
- Kur'an'dan İdrake Yansiyanlar 1, 2000
- Kur'an'dan İdrake Yansiyanlar 2, 2000
- Ölçü veya Yoldaki Işiklar, 2000
- Mealli Dua Mecmuasi, 2000
- Fasildan Fasila 4, 2001
- Kalbin Zümrüt Tepeleri 2, 2001
- Kirik Testi, 2002
- Çekirdekten Çinara, 2002
- Prizma 4, 2003
- Yaratiliş Gerçeği ve Evrim, 2003
- Dua Ufku, 2003
- Çocuğun Dini Eğitimi, 2003
- Sabah ve Akşam Dualari, 2003
- İnsanin Özündeki Sevgi, 2003
- Örnekleri Kendinden Bir Hareket, 2004
- Kirik Testi 1, 2004
- Beyan, 2004
- Bir Kutup Varlik Anne, 2004
- Kur'an-i Kerim ve Hadis-i Şeriflerde Anne-Baba, 2004
- Sohbet-i Canan (Kirik Testi 2), 2004
- Gurbet Ufuklari (Kirik Testi 3), 2004
- Renklerin Diliyle, 2004
- Kalbin Zümrüt Tepeleri 3, 2005
- Kendi Dünyamiza Doğru, 2005
- Fikir Atlasi (Fasildan Fasila 5), 2006
- El Kulubud Daria, 2007
- Kalbin Zümrüt Tepeleri 4, 2008
- Zihin Harmani (Prizma 7), 2008
- Sükutun Çiğliklari, 2008
- Enginliğiyle Bizim Dünyamiz, 2009
Books in English
- Towards the Lost Paradise, 1996
- Pearls of Wisdom, 1997
- Key Concepts in the Practice of Sufism Vol. 1, 1998
- The Essentials of the Islamic Faith, 2000
- Questions and Answers about Islam Vol. 1, 2000 (originally published in 1993)
- The Necessity of Interfaith Dialogue, 2004
- Islam and Democracy, 2004
- Key Concepts in the Practice of Sufism Vol. 2, 2004
- Toward a Global Civilization of Love and Tolerance, 2004
- The Messenger of God: An Analysis of the Prophet's Life, 2005
- Religious Education of the Child, 2004
- The Statue of Our Souls, 2005
- Questions and Answers about Islam Vol. 2, 2005
- Selected Prayers of Prophet Muhammad and Great Muslim Saints, 2006
- Key Concepts in the Practice of Sufism Vol. 3, 2009
- Key Concepts in the Practice of Sufism Vol. 4, 2010
- Speech and Power of Expression, 2010
- Turkish (Mother Tongue)
- Arabic (Advanced)
- Persian (Advanced)
- Ottoman Turkish (Advanced)
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