Fethullah Gülen's Condolences to People of Japan

The tragic earthquake and the ensuing tsunami in Japan, a nation-with whom we have always maintained friendly relations, has upset us all and our nation feels deep hurt for the Japanese people.

I have faith and trust that the hardworking and dauntless Japanese nation will overcome this tragedy and heal their wounds in a short period of time, as they have done in the past.

We extend our compassion and loyalty to the Japanese people, who have always rushed to our aid in times of flood and earthquake in our country, and we want them to know that we stand by them during this difficult time.

Our people will fulfill what falls on their shoulders by rushing to the help of the Japanese people, just as they rushed to help victims of other terrible incidents that have taken place in various parts of the world in the past.

I believe that our grateful people will support the Japanese people both with their prayers as well as with financial aid and that they will convey their support to the heartbroken people of Japan, regardless of the distance.

I pray for strength and patience for the Japanese people and extend my condolences to them.

M. Fethullah Gülen

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