Message of condolence

Message of condolence

I have learned with sadness that Ambassador Christopher Stevens, along with three other people who worked at the embassy, lost their lives during the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi. I severely protest the attack which targeted the Ambassador, who represented the United States in Libya with respect to his duty, and who was at the same time a guest in that country, and at this time I also condemn all terrorism, no matter who is responsible.

I would like to remind those participating in violent protests in Cairo and Yemen that enduring positive change can only be realized through peaceful approaches, open to dialogue. Violence that targets innocent people is a betrayal of the spirit of Islam, which they claim to defend. What is required from Muslims is to respond in peaceful and quiet terms, in way befitting the dignity of their religion. I offer my condolences to the relatives of those who lost their lives, to the American people, and particularly to Mrs. Hillary Clinton. As I pray that the injured recover soon, I share their feelings in heartfelt sincerity.

Fethullah Gülen

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