Abant: Coups are Impeding Democracy

Abant: Coups are Impeding DemocracyMilitary coups have been the greatest obstacle to Turkey's aspirations for a stronger democracy, the Abant Platform underscored in its closing evaluation of a two-day meeting that ended this weekend.

The evaluation mentioned the inverse relationship between anti-democratic interference in politics and the pace of democratization as well as Turkiye's urgent need for a new and civilian constitution to replace the current one, which was drafted under military rule after the 1980 coup.

All participants of the Abant Platform stood against military coups and all sorts of anti-democratic initiatives that would deny the public their rights and freedoms.

The main target of criticism against coups was a recently exposed document, allegedly put together by a colonel on active duty, with the ultimate objective of undermining the power of the governing Justice and Development Party government.

Participants of the platform agreed that the Constitution should immediately be replaced with a more civilian one so that the atmosphere of democratization could prosper in the country.

All participants agreed that:

1- Military coups and anti-democratic initiatives have damaged Turkey's development in the field of politics, society and economy.

2- The greatest obstacle to the development of our democracy is the "military tutelage" over politics.

3- One of the other great obstacles is the Sept. 12 Constitution, which does not embrace the majority of society.

4- The right of Parliament to monitor and control all administrative and bureaucratic institutions should be reinforced.

5- A new law on political parties that strengthens political freedoms in accordance with universal standards should be prepared.

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