Brits Share 'Holy Week' Enthusiasm

Turkish Muslims living in Britain shared their Holy Week, the week for celebrating Prophet Mohammed's birth, enthusiasm with the British.

At an exclusive Holy Week program in Leicester, one of the cities most populated with Muslims, most of the participants were surprisingly locals and non-Muslims.

In the program organized by the Inter Religions Dialogue Association, Doctor Ataullah Siddiki who is one of the education staff members of Islamic Foundation in Leicester and Zaman's columnist Kerim Balci presented papers. Siddiki explained why the Prophet Mohammed has mercy and compassion are attributed to his name with examples from his life. Balci, explored the nature of the Prophet as a human being. A presentation by Universal Mercy Foundation was given and presents were distributed by the foundation to each participant.

A Holy Week anniversary program was also organized at the University of Manchester by the local Education and Dialogue Foundation. Betul al Toma, who is the president of the New Muslims Platform dealing with education and other Muslim issues, made a presentation on the "Prophet Mohammed's Influence on the Western World". The new Mayor of Manchester city, Mohammed Afzal Khan made a speech in the program as well and the guests had a chance to taste Turkish cuisine. Officials of the Education and Dialogue Foundation noted that the feedback coming from participants indicate these kinds of programs should be organized more often.

Mr. Fethullah Gülen who devoted his life to interreligious dialogue and tolerance sent a message and said prophets are not only concerned with the spiritual sides of human happiness but also concerned with the material sides as well. Gülen's message highlighted the fact that Mohammed's message was sent in line with the development of civilization and it was the last and most enduring message. (Mustafa Yesil, London)

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