Feb. 21 Declared 'Gülen Institute Day' in Houston
The mayor of Houston, Texas, declared Feb. 21 Gülen Institute Day in a letter sent to the institute — which cites as it goals to advance knowledge, mutual understanding and respect among all people — in which he thanked the organization’s officials for their contributions in the city.
White said that Feb. 21 of each year will be commemorated as Gülen Institute Day. In the letter he said the organization, whose honorary president is Fethullah Gülen, among Turkey’s most influential religious scholars, serves all humanity without discrimination and boosts mutual understanding and respect and cooperation among people from diverse backgrounds.
The letter also stressed that the Gülen Institute in Houston is a frequent home to international conferences attended by statesmen, journalists, intellectuals, academics, diplomats, religious men and local officials. “The institute does its best to boost dialogue among different parties and establish social peace,” read the letter.
Gülen also sent a message to the institute in which he congratulated those working there. "I hope the studies conducted in this institute will be finalized with full success. I hope you will contribute to humanity in making people meet at common values, make the world a more livable place and restore peace all across the world," he said in his letter. (Idris Gürsoy, New York)
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