Gülen Institute Holds Event on Challenges of 21st Century

Academics and distinguished representatives tried to shed light on the social challenges of the 21st century and find solutions to them during a two-day event organized by the Gülen Institute titled “Dialogue of Civilizations Platform 2010” in Houston on Jan. 22-23.

The event brought together many distinguished scholars and officials, not only from the United States but also from Canada and Mexico. Among them were Dr. William Martin and Dr. Stephen Klineberg of Rice University, Dr. Helen R. Ebaugh and Dr. Andrew Achenbaum of the University of Houston, Javier Gonzalez Martinez from the Universidad Intercontinental in Mexico and Dr. Nancy Clark from the University of New Brunswick in Canada.

The intellectuals discussed the challenges of the 21st century such as poverty, social injustice, conflict, peaceful coexistence, clean energy and the environment and offered their points of view and possible solutions to the problems.

The opening remarks of the platform were given by Harris County Judge Ed Emmett. He thanked the Gülen Institute and praised the efforts of the institute to maintain peace and social justice.

The event had six sessions, all on different topics. In one session, Dr. Robert Pape of the University of Chicago, an expert on international security affairs, addressed the audience on “Occupation, Violence and Religion.” He mentioned that the suicide attacks throughout the world are mostly about political rather than religious reasons. He gave the example of the Marxist Tamil guerrillas. In light of statistical surveys he also explained that suicide attacks are mostly against military targets.

The honorary guest of the program was US Congressman for the Ninth District of Texas Al Green. He said the Gülen movement is a peace movement and that the aid campaign of the Raindrop Turkish House for the Haiti earthquake was something to be applauded.

US Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas’s 18th District and newly elected Houston Mayor Annise Parker also sent messages to the platform to show their support. Parker issued a proclamation in which she declared Jan. 22-23 as the “Gülen Institute -- Dialogue of Civilizations Day.”

The event was open to the public. More details can be found at www.guleninstitute.org

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