Gülen Interview Ends, Yet It Still Echoes
Gülen's views could be a turning point The Turkish media respond to Nuriye Akman's interview of Fetullah Gülen that marked the breaking of his five years of silence. Journalists, writers as well as academics draw attention to the elements that, from some angles, could be construed as 'radical' and that are voiced for the first time in the interview. Some aspects of the interview that attracted most attention from the media are:
- As a scholar of a religion who has an influence on significant masses, Gülen's denouncement of Islamic terror and incidents of suicide bombing with clear-cut statements,
- His emphasis that there is no such world as an Islamic world,
- His insistence on dialogue and global tolerance despite all the criticism,
Some writers describe Gülen's thoughts about democracy and pluralism as well as respect for other beliefs as "Tajdid" (renewal). Some also evaluate Gülen's approach as a reform not in religion, but in the concept of religion. (Zafer Ozcan, Mukremin Albayrak)
He Aims Messages at Terrorists, not Atheists
"I followed the interview with interest. There stands before us a Muslim thinker, who takes the realities of the century into consideration; not a scholar of a religion who repeats the classical guidebooks and the books of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). His approaches to democracy, pluralism, respect for different thoughts and beliefs are most definitely described as Tajdid (Renewal). In the press, his words that those who pursued terrorism in the name of Islam would be judged the same as atheists were criticized. Here, Gülen does not wage war on atheists, he does not insult them individually. He says to the one pursuing terror in the name of Allah and Islam, 'In the eye of Allah, your position is the same as if you deny Allah.' Therefore, Gülen's words are aimed at the ones who conduct terror in the name of Allah. Those words are used as a way to shock people into thinking about the issue. Those words are not attacks on atheists. Today, Islam has two troubles. One is terror and the other is being underdeveloped. Gülen puts forth an attitude on both of them in a clear-cut way that we have never seen before. I believe Gülen's views will be regarded as a turning point.
Taha Akyol
Milliyet Newspaper Writer
He Describes the Democratic Face of Islam
The views that Gülen states in the interview should be used as a basis by the parties who are willing to implement the Great Middle East project, if it is to be as sincere a project as is being said. Today, not only in Turkey but also in the world, Fethullah Gülen describes the face of Islam that is closest to democracy. Gülen himself was not such a democrat 20 years ago, but then again, who was among us? I found logic in his words about reforming the concept of religion without falling into the nonsense of reform in religion and without losing the essence of Islam. His emphasis that killing one is equal to killing all and that regardless of the circumstances a person cannot give up on his/her life, is a disproval of the theoretical bond that some say exists between Islam and terror. Islamists, who interpret democracy however they please, exist in Turkey. He criticizes them as well. He put forth the concept of the individual and the concept of Islam's individualization. He expresses that Islam is supposed to be outside of the politics and this statement is of critical importance.
Cuneyt Ulsever
Hurriyet Newspaper Writer
He Pioneers the Transition from Madrasah to College
Fethullah Gülen is a very intellectual person: He is a person very open to the world. Moreover, he is a person who loves his country so much. His adventure had been experienced in the past by many like him. Nazim Hikmet had been imprisoned in 1940s. Now, he is remembered as the greatest poet of the land. For the moment, Gülen hesitates to return home. Who knows, how will history remember him? In the interview he gave to Nuriye Akman, he reflected this yeaning for home deeply. While I was reading it, I got emotional and felt sad. As for Gülen's worldview, he has a way of expression that we are all familiar with and yet we missed: reconciliatory and open to modernity. Gülen is one of the pioneers of Islam's transition from madrasah [a traditional institute for higher education in Islamic studies ] to college.
Mehmet Barlas
Sabah Newspaper Writer
Modernization Subject Remains Incomplete
The interview is important in the perspective of underlining the views of Gülen on terror and Islam. For the past 10 years, the public in Turkey has been aware of Gülen's crystal-clear viewpoints on anti-terrorism and his stance that terror and Islam are not compatible at all. Particularly in the aftermath of the September 11th, suspicion formed in the West against the Islamic world. Questions about how well Islam and modernism can get along with each other still need to be answered. Gülen's views on the subject were not been given enough place in the interview. As for the polemic between Sedat Ergin and Ekrem Dumanli, which is caused by the discussion 'weighing unbelievers and atheists equally', it is simply an unlucky event in terms of Zaman's editorial staff regarding people 'picking and choosing statements'. One of the most measurable effects of the interview is that it doubled Zaman's circulation, catapulting it to the top. This indicates that even Zaman anticipated enough about its potential readership.
Kerem Caliskan
Tempo Magazine Editor-in-Chief
He Shows Islam's Real Face to the West
Mr. Gülen's viewpoints are extremely significant in terms of how one party in the dialogue expresses itself better to the other party. That means introducing Islam and its pro-freedom, humanitarian and beautiful face to Christians and to entire world. Hence, followers of other religions learn about the real Islam as well. This is the use of dialogue. The most beautiful answer to some Westerners, who think Islam is equal to terror, could be achieved through an environment that encourages dialogue. This was initiated on in institutional level in Turkey by the Journalists and Writers Foundation, of which Mr. Gülen is the honorary president. It is impossible to understand why this is criticized. As for the terror, of course some could be driven to incorrect interpretations if they are stuck with the interpretations of the statements in the Koran. Osama bin Laden is one of these people. To be the opposite of that, putting forward a humanitarian dimension and representing the real face of Islam is required.
Prof. Dr. Niyazi Oktem
Bilgi Univ. Faclty Member
He has Tolerance for even Those who Turn Life into Poison
Gülen complains about people who are disturbed by the freedom of thought; especially those who claim to be men of thought, but who are in fact a marginal sect applying pressure to thought. These people use their right of freedom of expression to the end, and when they fail to convince the communities, they support ending the freedom of thought of others. Hodjaefendi is completely right to disapprove of these backward thinkers. However, despite these negativities, he regards it just as bad to reply in kind to this marginal segment whose nature is locked in enmity and slander. While there are many people who exaggerate if even the slightest hair on their head is harmed, he shows the maturity to announce that he forgives them. Will those who show enmity against him always leave the maturity up to him? Will they not show this virtue for once for their own good?
Prof. Dr. Suat Yildirim
Marmara Univ. School of Theology Faculty Member
Formula of Living United in Diversity
To approach inter-religious dialogue and to open the door should not be misconstrued as encouraging the missionary activities of Christianity. It is important that everyone knows his/her own religion very well and to embrace his/her belief very well. This is what Fethullah Gülen says. A good Muslim should not be disturbed by either the life style or the statements of a follower of another religion. Our history has indicated this as well. The formula of living united in diversity is the foundation of Islamic civilization, and in particular Ottoman politics. This is also the most significant gift that Turk-Islam civilization presented to the universal civilization. This is what the E.U. is trying to achieve today.
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Aydin
Selcuk University
He Shows the Way to Prevent Terror
I agree with Gülen's view that 'a real Muslim, a person who understands Islam in every aspect, cannot be thought of as a terrorist.' Despite that, I would like to see more research done on whether or not a Muslim could be a terrorist in the name of his/her religion or if he has hidden agenda… 'Religion does not allow a person to be killed in order to reach a goal.' Yes, our religion never permits it. Therefore, we should strive to raise the youth in perfection; giving them a feeling of responsibility and acquainting them with the regulatory elements of Islam in their lives so that they will never favor terror and become involved in terror.
Prof. Dr. Yakup CiCek
Marmara Univ. School of Theology
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