Moral Values Presentation Competition

The Pioneer Academy of Science set the backdrop for the 'Moral Values Presentation Competition'...a competition that recognized 31 out of 60 students in primary, secondary and high school.

The member of the organization committee of the competition Dr. Levent Koç said, "We've been preparing for the event for two months. We have assigned 15 themes such as Respect to Parents, Friendship, Philanthropy, Generosity and Meanness."

He continued, "Besides, the students were free to choose any other subject for their presentations. 6 members of the jury viewed the presentation one by one and shortlisted the degrees. All the competitors were given the certificates of attendance and the students who were granted the degrees received their Honorary Plaquettes. Now, we are planning this competition to continue annually as a tradition."

The General Manager of Turkish Daily Zaman, Ömer Kutlu who made the opening speech at the awards ceremony said self expression is something valuable; however, experiencing those articulated values are far more valuable.

Mr. Erdogan Dur speaking on behalf of the jury said they had difficulties in short listing the degrees. He called the audience for a repetition of the applaud for the presentations. He also gave the students the certificates and the Honorary Plaquettes.

In the final part of the event the students who became first, did their presentations once more. The presentation by Idris Mustafa titled "Patience and Respect" received a lot of applauds from the audience.

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