Scholars Praise Gülen Movement

World famous intellectuals gathered in Cairo of the Egypt to discuss the Gülen Movement. Universal values that the Gülen Movement underlined were talked at the meeting.

The capital of Egypt hosted a conference titled Cultural Traditions of the East: From Antiquity to the Globalization. Russian, German, France, Turkish, and Austrian intellectuals attended the conference. The attendants talked about the Gülen Movement such as peace messages and activities which will make an end to the clashes between the cultures.

At the conference organized by the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Foreign Ministry of Russia under the leadership of the Russian Orient Institute, main subject was the missions of the Gülen Movement which brought the messages of peace to make an end to the clashes between the cultures.

Tatyana Filipova of Rodina journal published in Russia said the Gülen Movement taught people how to coexist and how to practice religion in the modern world.

"Gülen is now known by all the historians, and men of thoughts and culture in Russia. Gülen is showing how to practice religion in the modern world. We're planning many editorials about Gülen who has a constructive and guiding life."

Professor Dervish from Zagazig University of Egypt who is known with his researches on Fethullah Gülen who was elected world's best intellectual of the century by the US Foreign Policy.

Avrupa Kulturden Barisa Kurumu Baskani Avusturyali fikir adami Prof. Willie Augustat'a gore de, Gülen hareketi, temelinde Islam'in bulundugu, butun insanligi ortak bir Allaha ulastirma misyonu guduyor.

Prof. Willie Augustat-President of the EU From Culture to Peace Institution said:

"The aim of this movement is to unite people who believe in the same God. For the last two centuries the Islam world has been deeply affected by the West's economic and cultural attacks. This movement tries finding the real ID of the Islam World."

At the conference sponsored by Dialog Eurasia a power point presentation on Fethullah Gülen was presented and the chronological order of Turkish Schools drew attention.

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