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The Entire World Should Benefit From The Fethullah Gülen Experience

Arab scholars gathered in Amman, Jordan on January 16th, to explore the hizmet movement of "volunteers" inspired by Fethullah Gülen.

"Contemporary Perspectives of Islamic Social Reform and its Effect on World Peace: The Case of the Fethullah Gülen in Turkey" was the theme of the conference organized by the International Wasatiya Platform and Hira Magazine. Convened at the Royal Cultural Center, participants in the conference discussed the "Gülen Movement," as it is frequently called in the west, with a special emphasis on raising "individuals to be role models" and the educational activities associated with the movement. Academicians and prominent scholars from more than twenty countries, including Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Sudan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, and Algeria, were present during the event.

The first panel, chaired by the Minister of Religious Affairs and Trusts (Awqaf) in Jordan Abdussalam Abbadiy, featured Syrian Professor Muhammad Ratib al-Nablusi, former Minister of Trusts in Egypt Ahmadi Abunnur, and Dr. Samir Budinar, who made presentations on Fethullah Gülen's historical vision.

"Those who truly want to eliminate the problems and troubles inflicting our region and the entire world should benefit from the Fethullah Gülen experience, " said Professor Muwaffak Dabul, former Vice-President of Damascus University. Professor Dabul, addressing an enthusiastic audience in a crowded hall pointed to the educational efforts of the Gülen Movement and expressed that the movement's philosophy of raising role model individuals is noteworthy.

"Education helped surmount disunity and problems of the past"

Speaking about the Gülen Movement, Dabul noted that the movement of volunteers deal with everyone indiscriminately, by approaching them equally as human beings. According to Dabul, Gülen's emphasis on a true representation of universal values is the main pillar of his service ethics. "Participants in this movement grow in an environment that is abounding with these values, which they project onto others with their conduct. They approach people unbiasedly and honor them as fellow human beings. They soften others' hearts and thus people welcome them."

Dabul further emphasized the fact that all the problems that have divided societies were surmounted by education in the past. "Aware of this fact, Fethullah Gülen initiated this movement. His teaching was that only by way of education and winning the hearts of others could it be possible to raise exemplary individuals, and for this reason he called out to promote education. The people who have trusted this great scholar and faithfully supported his movement began by putting forth remarkable efforts to implement educational activities, comprised of exemplary scholastic methods."

"They have realized what we were dreaming of; I consider myself as one of them"

Recounting his visit to Istanbul, Dabul proceeded: "We visited a number of educational institutes in Istanbul, and while we were there we understood the successful experience of the movement, simply by seeing their superb schools, dormitories, and hospitals. I truly appreciated and was extremely pleased with having seen our dream of raising role model individuals, come true in Turkey. We met many people there who are striving to actualize, what they found to be, the inspiring ideas of Gülen. We developed very close relationships with this people, almost as if they were our brothers and sisters or as if we had known them for a lifetime.  Please allow me to consider myself as a member of the Gülen School, because I believe in the ideas and approach of this great man. Please accept me as a member of this service."

Referring to Gülen's works, Dabul explained the transformation he experienced: "His books have purified my mind. Having read them I felt that I needed to review my previous ideas, attitudes, and worldview; to say the least, my perspective of people all over the world whom I used to see as "others."

"Hizmet is the method of the Prophet and His Companions"

Dabul also mentioned in his speech that the schools in Turkey and around the world have been established by no certain group, political party, or organization, but by the efforts of the people of Anatolia: "The method employed by this great scholar and magnanimous man, Fethullah Gülen, is not something we are used to. These educational activities are realized by trying to emulate the Prophet, peace be upon him, and his Companions. I saw the businessmen and trustees from Asia Minor as the people acting behind these activities. When I looked at their faces, I saw the faces of  the Companions."

Dabul said Gülen is a man who has excelled in Islamic sciences, like hadith, fiqh, and tafsir, but he also has been successful in encouraging the people of our time to take action: "Without question, Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi is man of divine love with vast horizons."

"Hocaefendi's method can solve global issues"

Concluding his remarks, Dabul mentioned the global problems: "I wholeheartedly believe that those who truly want to eliminate the troubles affecting our region and the entire world, should conduct research on the Gülen approach, and they will therefore benefit from the experience altogether. This approach has to be researched thoroughly. As the Arab world, we are now trying to explore how we can adapt this method of service in our countries."

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