Kimse Yok Mu to step up efforts in East Africa

As part of its Ramadan 2011 campaign, Turkish charity Kimse Yok Mu (Is Anybody There) has announced it will intensify its relief efforts in East Africa, which has been hit hard by the worst drought in decades.

Kimse Yok Mu has said its Ramadan project will focus particularly on the East African countries, including Uganda, Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan, which are facing the worst famine in 60 years and where more than 11 million people are in danger of starvation.

In light of the crisis, Kimse Yok Mu said it would step up its relief efforts in the impoverished area.

Kimse Yok Mu Chairman Ünal Öztürk said, “Together with volunteers, we have already donated approximately $150,000 to the region. With this money, water and food will be distributed.”

Öztürk announced the foundation's Ramadan 2011 campaign earlier this week, reminding people that Ramadan is a month of brotherhood and sharing. Throughout Ramadan Kimse Yok Mu said it will give aid packages to 55 countries around the world. It will also provide help to thousands of people across Turkey.

Turkish intellectual and scholar Fethullah Gülen donated $10,000 from copyrighted audio and written work royalties to the famine-struck countries through Kimse Yok Mu.

To reach out and help someone in need in East Africa, people can simply text “ACLIK” (hunger) from any mobile operator to 5777 to donate TL 5.

An aid package costs TL 60 and includes sunflower oil, rice, tomato puree, tea, olives, jam and other daily food staples. Additionally, to help in the distribution of the aid packages, people can send the word "Kumanya" to 5777. Twelve text messages worth TL 5 each add up to one aid package.

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