Turkish Businessmen Open New School in Philippines
A new Turkish school in the Philippine capital of Manila officially began classes yesterday.
The first Turkish school in the Philippines opened in 1997, and such schools continue to flourish, as demonstrated by the opening of the Fountain International School's Santolan branch yesterday.
Several local and foreign statesmen, journalists, writers, businessmen and teachers joined the school's inauguration ceremony, where Turkish Deputy Speaker Ismail Alptekin expressed his pride in international Turkish schools. He said graduates of these schools would always be a part of Turkey.
Speaking of the need for peace in the world, Alptekin said that Turkey would do its best in to help end the clashes in the Middle East.
Philippines Minister of Education Jesli A. Lapus, speaking at the ceremony, said they were overjoyed with the level of education provided by these institutions and the opportunities for growth they provided for the countries' youth.
As part of the opening celebrations, students gave a performance of Turkish songs and folk dances that were warmly appreciated by audience, in particular by the Turkish delegation. The guests were most moved by the student's perfect rendition of Turkish singer Kirac's song, "Karahisar Castle."
Turkish guests and Philippine authorities took a tour of the school following the performance.
Philippine Minister Lapus compared the 60-student classrooms of local schools to the 16-person classroom system at the Turkish school, underscoring the importance of smaller classes for a higher quality of education. (By Abdullah Marasli, Manila)
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