Turkish Language Olympics
The 6th annual Turkish Language Olympics is proving to be a huge success. Contestants from 110 nations from around the globe gathered in Ankara. Audience members were deeply touched by the performances of the participants who sang, or read poems in Turkish.
550 Students from 110 countries from around the world are making history in the Turkish capital Ankara where they gathered to participate in the language Olympics.
Youths from five continents are aiming to become champions in Turkish Language Olympics.
The participants' love of Turkiye and the language can be seen in the way they dress in traditional Turkish clothing.
"We're proud of these students who come from many different countries to perform in Turkish. Can you imagine they formed a traditional Ottoman Turkish army band, Mehter?
Bedsides, the competition of the Olympics, participants from around the world made unforgettable friends in Turkiye.
This grand organization praised globally also affected the participants. Many hop to be educational volunteers like their teachers.
The audiences were astonished to see the children from different countries just like in the assembly of the United Nations.
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