Turkish School Wins Math Contest in United States

The Science Academy of Chicago (SAC), a Chicago-based private school founded under the sponsorship of Turkish entrepreneurs, has demonstrated another striking achievement:

SAC placed first out of 184 schools in the state-wide Illinois Math League eighth grade contests. Turkish student Haluk Şenlik from the same school won first place in the sixth grade category in Cook County and Adem Arifi the fourth.

More than 1 million students participate in the American Math League nationwide annually. The students are expected to solve highly difficult math problems in the contests. SAC math teacher Murat Efe said the success was by no means a coincidence and that their team was focused on winning from the very beginning. School Principal Dr. Osman Arslan, recalling that they had expected similar outstanding results, further stressed that an eighth grader in their school scored 660 on the SAT - normally taken by high school students intending to attend university -- out of the highest possible 800 in math and noted that given that the SAT average in the US was 593, the figure was a very impressive one. (Hakan Berberoglu Chicago)

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