This is How to Deal Terrorism a Blow!

Terrorism, the plague of the age. Relentless and away from conscience. It is not predictable who, where or how it will strike.

It is more cruel and merciless than the sanguinary wars of the past centuries. Then, at least they wore armor-plated breastplates and armed soldiers did the fighting, but now terrorism sacrifices innocent people to show off the terrorist organization...

Unfortunately, this merciless virus came and tried to settle in the main vessel of Islam. Since terrorism was a new concept for the world public opinion, it also developed a surprising method and rhetoric for the Muslim world. At least the immunity system of the Muslim world was not prepared for this fatal virus it encountered for the first time.

Besides, the Muslim world was deeply feeling the degradation of living in misery. Degradation, ruin and every kind of wretchedness... And of course a fury hard to be suppressed. The poverty experienced in the Islamic world, where underground and overground wealth has been used to the furthest extent by the exploitative powers over the years, transformed into mortification

Meanwhile, some people blaming the terrorists wearing the Islamic uniform, emerged. Some of them were making misleading comments because of their ignorance and some because of their hidden intents. Maybe, the viewpoints of some naive and ignorant people, who felt great rage against imperialism shifted to terrorism, however, Islam clearly and categorically rejected terrorism.

The weak opposition of the Islamic world against terrorism encouraged those who wished to combine Islam and terrorism. The Ulema (scholors of Muslim theology) had crouched from the rage settled in the center of the real political balances. Especially in the Arab world, the Ulema has neither been able to say against suicide attacks "It is haram (sin), you cannot undertake such actions against innocent people" nor against kidnappings, "It is a sin, no one can be persecuted in place of others'.

The words of Fethullah Gülen that "A Muslim cannot be a terrorist, and a terrorist cannot be a Muslim," echoed in the pure hearts of believers. However, this epigram should have been dealt with scientifically by Islamic theologists. Because only a weak reaction came from Islamic scientists, Gülen explained in a more detailed manner what he meant in an interview with Nuriye Akman. He explained the religious basis for his opposition to the danger called "Islamic terrorism." It was not easy to accept the words of Gülen when we look at the realities being experienced in Palestine, Afghanistan and Kashmir. Whereas, it was the time to focus on the universal values of Islam, that embrace all mankind, not on feelings aroused by everyday happenings.

Recently, I read an article in a newspaper, which has a low circulation. The man, in his column, wrote verses from the Koran but made no comments about them. When you read the verses you start thinking that Allah ordered believers to kill people. I have to admit that when I read that article, I had to say to myself, "Poor man, he felt short of seizing the essence, soul and general approach of the Koran." Because the reasons of the revelation of these verses, the essence and methods of application and their meanings etc. are crucially important. When you separate the verses from their original contexts you may possibly arrive at very different meanings. However, the words of Koran, that are convenient to situations and degrees are so exhalted that they cannot be spoiled by the bird-brained comments.

The approach in the article mentioned above, and the approach of the person who regards himself as a combatant of Islam and applies terrorist methods, are in fact the same. He uses the verses and holy words of the Prophet as a means for terrorism by separating them from their own contexts.

Only the works of real Islamic scientists can thwart the efforts of terrorists who compile proofs from the Koran. It is a book entitled, "Terrorism and Suicide Attacks According to Islam," available in bookstores, that reminds me of all I have mentioned above.

How well Dr. Ergun Capan compiled many writings. The book included subjects such as holy war, martyrdom and war in Islamic Law. Each article has a scientific value. All of them have strong footnotes, judgments and consistent comments. The book, which has been published as the 4th book of Yeni Ümit (New Hope) Bookstore, also has an English version that is published synchronically. Believe me, this book is as necessary as bread and water in the West. If such work had not been accomplished, world public opinion would have regarded Islam as equivalent of terrorism, almost. Congratulations to anyone who contributed to the book. This is how to deal terrorism a blow!


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