UNESCO Grants Gülen with Award of Tolerance

The Romanian commission of UNESCO has presented Fethullah Gülen with an award for "contribution to tolerance and dialogue."

The award was presented at a Ramadan dinner given by UNESCO and the Danube Foundation in honor of common values; the dinner was held in front of what was formerly Nikolai Ceausescu's palace.

At this event, it was stated that Gülen has been given this award for his remarkable efforts in activities concerned with dialogue and tolerance and also for his efforts toward cooperation and peace between the nations of the world.

On behalf of Gülen, the representatives of the Journalists and Writers Foundation accepted the award, presented by Victor Nitelea, UNESCO's representative in Romania. In his speech, Nitelea stated that in spite of the high level of technology that has been reached, humanity often still behaves in ways that are worse than those that occurred in the Middle Ages, leading to meaningless war and terror. He also stated that the great thinkers of our time have discovered the root of evil and prescribed its cure; this is hidden in interfaith, international and intercultural dialogue. He emphasized that Fethullah Gülen is an exemplary figure in the field of dialogue.

In addition, the representatives of UNESCO have prepared a booklet about the award. Gülen's dialogue activities in the world and some of his ideas can be found in this booklet.

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