What did Fethullah Gülen mean in saying that the true goal of nations must be civilization?
by fgulen.com |
What does Gülen believe to be the main problem in the world?
by fgulen.com |
What questions does the Gülen Movement answer for participants?
by fgulen.com |
The Gülen Movement has significant effects on society so is it not conducting political action, even if it is not party political?
by fgulen.com |
Do service-networks in the Gülen Movement ever select short-term projects?
by fgulen.com |
If two prospective projects are in the same social field (e.g. health, education, etc.), how do participants choose one project over the other?
by fgulen.com |
If participants' control of authority and resources is limited in the Gülen Movement, how do individuals manage to carry out their duties?
by fgulen.com |
Are the resources of the Gülen Movement allocated among the SMOs by a central authority?
by fgulen.com |
What facilitated the institutionalization of SMOs in the Gülen Movement?
by fgulen.com |
Why is the institutionalization of the Gülen Movement beneficial to wider society?
by fgulen.com |
How do the service networks of the Gülen Movement diffuse themes and experience, and organize circulation of volunteers?
by fgulen.com |
Is the Gülen Movement marginal in any way?
by fgulen.com |
How are the different parts of the Gülen Movement connected?
by fgulen.com |
Why is the institutionalization of the Gülen Movement significant?
by fgulen.com |
What can be learned from the institutionalization of the Gülen Movement?
by fgulen.com |
Why do Gülen Movement participants set up institutions?
by fgulen.com |
What is required of those who hold administrative positions in the SMOs? What is required of other participants?
by fgulen.com |
Does being in an administrative position provide extra, exclusive privileges?
by fgulen.com |
How is the division of labor arranged in institutions and service networks of the Gülen Movement?
by fgulen.com |
Is there any competition between participants, projects and institutions in the Gülen Movement?
by fgulen.com |
Why have some voices in Turkey objected to Fethullah Gülen’s interfaith dialogue activities?
by fgulen.com |
What was the “West Working Group” and why did it target the Gülen Movement?
by fgulen.com |
Why is the Gülen Movement seen as a successful social movement?
by fgulen.com |
How does the Gülen Movement gain support and from whom?
by fgulen.com |
Where does the strength of the Gülen Movement come from?
by fgulen.com |